Tips for keeping your alpaca cool

Spring can get quite hot, and your alpacas may feel the heat too. But worry not, as there are ways to keep their water cool throughout the day and night.

Most importantly, make sure you have booked your shearer well in advance of hot Summer weather, but whilst you are waiting for your shearing day, do this….

Other options include sprinklers, hosing down their legs and having two or three extra water troughs that they can cool down or splash themselves besides ice cubes.

It is crucial to keep your alpacas cool during warm weather. The best way to do this is to shear them early in spring, depending on where you live. For us, spring is the best time. Therefore, it is essential to have your shearer's contact information at hand and book their services well in advance.

Follow Daniela from Little Valley Farm for some useful tips and tricks on alpaca farming in the Hunter Valley.

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